Microblog Mondays: The Unread


I have put London Fog: The Biography on hold at the library three times.

The first time the hold became available was late January 2016. I was teaching three classes (all new to me) and the most time I had to read non-course related material was on the bus between campuses on my particularly manic Mondays. I realized within a week I didn’t have the time or the brainpower to read this book in tiny snippets and returned it when my borrowing period expired.

I didn’t even attempt to get it out of the library again for more than eight months. But when September came around and E. was back at school and P. and I were settling into a rhythm and the chaos of 2016 had eased a little bit, I thought I’d be able to handle it. So I reactivated my hold just in time for P. to start the four-month sleep regression early.

Again I returned it, not a single page further ahead than I had been in January.

In December, I told Q. I was going to reactivate the hold again in January because surely by then I’d have the brain capacity to read it with the kind of attention I knew it deserved.

Q. bought it for me for Christmas, because he always pays attention and always knows exactly the right thing to do.

It’s sitting on the shelf of my night table, underneath my library books.

I still haven’t read any further. My brain still isn’t ready.

But at least I know I don’t ever have to bring it back.

Do you have a book that you desperately want to read but can’t quite ever seem to manage to get round to it?

This post is part of #MicroblogMondays. To read the inaugural post and find out how you can participate, click here.


Filed under Books, Microblog Mondays

4 responses to “Microblog Mondays: The Unread

  1. It seems to be the story of my life at the moment. I get e-books from the library, but don’t get around to finishing them (as you say, my brain just doesn’t seem ready) and then have to return it and go on hold again! This has happened with A Brief History of Seven Killings. I was about 1/4 way through it, and I haven’t got back to it. I think I’ll have to start it all again when I’m ready.

  2. Mel

    YES! It’s the third book in the Magicians. It means so much to me that I don’t want to read it when the time isn’t perfect. So I keep starting it, and then something happens, so I put it down so I don’t associate it with a bad moment. And then that moment passes, and I pick it up and decide to start from the beginning, and then…

  3. Love in the time of Cholera. I have owned it for 20 years and can never find that perfect time, like Mel was saying. I want to be able to soak it in and hang in each word and fall in love with it. No time seems to be perfect for that.

  4. I have a whole list of “can’t seem to get to” books. Looking forward to summer.

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