On my way

I put my butt in the chair.

And a week, and four writing sessions, later, I’ve got 4,500 words. I think most of them are crap- more like verbal vomit on the page. Still, 4,500 words is a lot of vomit, and even while reading it over this morning I figured some of it read like it might turn out to be ok.

What is more important is I have a completed first section of my chapter. The chapter has three section, and I’m hoping to hammer out 4,000 words for each over the next two weeks. That’ll then leave me a month to go back, edit, revise, read the modern scholarship, write an introduction and conclusion, cut, revise, fix my translations and add in the Latin and Greek, revise, etc. By the end of April, I’m hoping I’ll have a chapter of somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 words to send to my supervisor.

The damn monkey is off my back.


Filed under PhD, Writing

2 responses to “On my way

  1. WOO HOO!!! Vomit is better than the blank page. You can work with it.

    Well done, girl, for getting that butt into the seat. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Five years! | Res Cogitatae

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