Force of Nature

Microblog_MondaysE. started vomiting on Christmas Day.

He didn’t stop until New Year’s Eve.

On a good day, E. is thinner than I would like him to be.

He’s practically skin and bones right now. Everything shows: ribs (from the front and back), collar bones, shoulder blades, sternum. Even his tail bones are visible.

The funny thing is that his body obviously knows it. On the first day he was allowed to eat real food (and not just plain toast, dry cereal, crackers and Pedialyte), he devoured four bowls of oatmeal, two bananas, four pieces of toast with peanut butter and strawberry jam, two hot dogs, a bowl of pasta and a bunch of strawberries.

Yesterday, the fourth day where he’s been able to eat normal food, he ate an entire cup of rolled oats turned into oatmeal for breakfast, and then demolished four bowls of Cheerios before 10:30 a.m. (and these were not small bowls).

The afternoon was much the same.

I think we might have to do a second grocery shop this week…

This post is part of #MicroblogMondays. To read the inaugural post and find out how you can participate, click here.


Filed under E.- the fourth year, Microblog Mondays, The Sick

4 responses to “Force of Nature

  1. Oh wow, that sounds miserable. Glad that he’s on the mend!

  2. Mel

    I feel badly for him but even worse for you (vomit… yuck…). Though good that he’s bouncing back.

  3. So glad he’s on the mend!!

  4. Gil

    Sounds like he’s on the mend! And in spades too! These days, we find that the days/times when Petite devours food like it’s going out of style, it usually means a growth spurt. I think we’re entering one right now in fact. Chin up; it won’t be the last time you have to get extra groceries! Growing boys can certainly eat their weight in food!

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