Preschool Love

Microblog_MondaysThe lengthy (and ridiculous) saga of finding truck underpants for E. is finally over, as my sister cleverly located these ones and mailed them to me.

We opened the box up on Saturday morning. E. immediately whipped off his clothes to try them all on and then insisted on wearing one pair the rest of the day.

Saturday night Q. and I were out at a work party and Auntie C. was babysitting. She came in from running the bath to find E. naked in his room. He’d put all his clothes in his laundry basket…all except for the new undies. Those were lovingly placed on top of his dresser.

“Those new undies are still clean,” E. told her very seriously. “I think they’ll still be ok to wear again tomorrow.”

( I was NOT popular the next morning when I informed him we don’t wear undies two days in a row.)

This post is part of #MicroblogMondays.  For the other participants, see here.


Filed under E.- the fourth year, Family, Microblog Mondays

13 responses to “Preschool Love

  1. That’s so cute a story! 🙂

  2. LOL. So glad E got the undies he wanted. We thankfully haven’t had our boy wanting to wear the same pair more than one day at a time.

  3. middlegirl54


  4. Tee hee… 🙂 I can so imagine the indignation on E’s face!

  5. nonsequiturchica

    LOL. Looks like you are going to have to get a couple of pairs and wash the dirty ones quickly! 🙂

  6. Haha that’s awesome!

  7. Mel

    Those gross-boy habits start early 🙂 This is a story to remind him of when he’s 12.

  8. Ha ha…growing up my Mom always told me that I should wear clean and neat undies just in case I was in an accident!! 😉

  9. But mum they were still clean! Come on!

  10. Turia

    I actually tried to buy another set, because they were even further on sale, but they were out of his size. I seriously feel like we found the last set of truck underpants in 2T/3T in North America!

  11. So glad you got some!! Feelings are the same here with strawberry shortcake undies (her love for them, not lack of availability)

  12. THANK YOU for the tip. These are currently very popular at our house. Well, 3/7 of them are.

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