The burning question

Microblog_MondaysSaturday night
E. is upstairs in bed, shrieking hysterically.

Q. goes up to investigate.

E. is weeping, inconsolable, because we haven’t measured to see if his arm is longer than a baguette.

Q. comes downstairs, gets one of the baguettes he and E. made that afternoon out of the freezer, puts the two pieces back together, goes back upstairs, and determines with E. that his arm is not yet as long as a baguette.

E. immediately goes back to sleep.

Q.: “Well that was one of my more surreal parenting moments.”

This post is part of #MicroblogMondays. For the other participants, see here.


Filed under E.- the fourth year, Microblog Mondays

7 responses to “The burning question

  1. That’s adorable! Well, you probably didn’t think so when you heard E. shrieking at night. Kid’s minds work in a mysterious way, right? But when you think about it, so do grown up’s. We just internalize our shrieking 🙂

  2. Mel

    Surreal or BEST? That is one of the funniest things I’ve read this week.

  3. Awesome. On SO many levels! 🙂

  4. Hahaha… this is awesome.

  5. OMG HAHAHAHA stuff like this happens all the time and it really is the best. And surreal. Kids are so weird, y0.

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